Why Dr.B

Why Dr.B

The Best Choice for Sustainable Circular Economy!

Smart Waste Sorting Robot with AI Engine - Dr.B

ACI, which has developed and provided total solutions for waste management during past 20 years for sustainable environment, begins technical innovation to rewrite “global environmental sustainability”.
In order to achieve global environment sustainability,
the smart collection and perfect sorting of wastes must not be stopped even for a second.
In addition, developing AI based automatic sorting robot that will help handpickers work safely in the stench,
vibration and dust of the waste recycling plant and increase the sorting efficiency is
the best choice to enrich our lives and achieve the Sustainable Circular Economy.
  • Dr.B the sorting robot works continuously.
  • The latest artificial intelligence AutoML technology and the best robot operation technology are adopted. The recognition and sorting by the Robot are accurate and efficient.
  • Thanks to AutoML technology which is an intelligent neural network, it continuously learns the waste stream.
    It quickly adapts to the changing properties of waste stream.
  • Dr.B was developed to protect workers in the dangerous working environment, and 24 hour continuous operation reduces damage caused by waste at lower investment cost, and improved productivity.

Saving the Earth,
Circular Economy is the key.

01. Plastic Waste on the Rise

We are living in an era of excessive plastic consumption to the extent that it is called the ‘Plastic Age’. In particular, ‘disposable’ for convenience has caused a surge in plastic waste, and a truck amount of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute. Global plastic production increased 230 times from 1.5 million tons in 1950 to 350 million tons in 2017, and according to a report by the Korean Ministry of Environment, the total amount of plastic waste generated from homes and industries in Korea increased from 7,980,518 tons in 2017 to 8,2443,310 tons in 2018. It is increasing dramatically to 10,359,504 tons in 2019. On the other hand, the plastic recycling rate is only around 20%.

Source: Green Alliance ]

Source: CIEL]

02. Threat of Microplastics

Microplastics are generally small pieces of plastic less than 5 mm in size. Microplastics produced by human activities are widespread throughout the Earth. Microplastics are detected not only in the ocean, but also in groundwater, tap water, and bottled water.
According to a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) study, we consume an average of 5 grams of microplastic per person per week. An analysis shows that one person ingests microplastics equivalent to one credit card every week. On a monthly basis, it is equivalent to the weight of a toothbrush, 21g, and in a year, it reaches to 250 gram.
Research on the effects of microplastics on the human body is still in its infancy, but wouldn’t it be possible to guess through the effects of microplastics on the ecosystem?
It is because humans are the ‘final predators’ in food chain, eating microplastic-contaminated marine life.

03. Waste = Valuable Asset

Did you know that petrochemical waste, which is the villain to the Earth, will become a valuable asset of mankind which will be responsible for our prosperous life in the future? We live in an era where recycling is not an option but a necessity, and the perception of people dealing with waste is also changing. Waste, a by-product of consumption that we are responsible for, is a valuable resources that can be reborn as a product that we can use again!

04. Start of Plastic Circular Economy

Since the plastic was first invented, we have been using and throwing away plastics recklessly. It is very important to recover, sort, and recycle plastics that are difficult to decompose in nature. Now we must recycle the waste plastics in a circular economy of ‘production-consumption-recovery-recycling’. Wouldn’t it be possible to solve the serious plastic waste problem that humanity is currently experiencing if we recover, sort, and recycle as much plastic as possible? 100% circular economy with no waste. For the sustainable global environment, ACI, which has developed and applied total solutions for waste management for the past 20 years, begins to innovate in the recycling field.

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