
About Dr.B _ Technology

01. Artificial Intelligence technology of Dr.B the Sorting Robot

Dr.B employs an artificial intelligence recognition system that acquires and recognizes object information similar to human learning methods by using AutoML-based deep learning technology with 2D image information collected from the vision system.
Dr.B quickly processes video images through a deep learning neural network to recognize items by material and application. Deep learning neural networks are AutoML models based on distributed representations inspired by the architecture of the human brain.
Dr.B technology uses auto-learning behaviors based on deterministic decision-making process, which makes decisions based on inference from neural networks. its deep learning neural network solves problems in much the same way as the human brain. From birth, humans learn to identify objects by processing images with their eyes. Dr.B is being trained to recognize and discriminate objects in the same way as human cognition through deep learning techniques. In addition, it discriminates and selects the wastes based on the data formed by training hundreds of millions of images databased by the latest AI Engine algorithm and CPGPU-accelerated parallel high-performance edge computing.
Dr.B continues to figure out the best way to get to the right answer through his artificial brain. Through millions of iterations, it learns to correctly classify and recognize objects it has never seen before. It learned by looking at hundreds of thousands of similar items. It is equipped with the AI ​​Engine recognition model, which is configured to immediately recognize new items when it sees them.

02. Dr. B the Sorting Robot's Technology of Artificial Intelligence

Dr. B uses deep learning technology to recognize 2D images from optical cameras with AutoML. The recognized object is compared with the screening data of the Control PC and then picked with the robot arms.
Dr. B operating system performs with 100% autonomy in recognition and decision-making for sorting. For example, clear PET bottle or colored PET bottles is screened in a mixed plastic stream. Artificial intelligence recognition and screening continues at a rate that exceeds human capabilities.

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